Monday, December 21, 2009

How often shuold i wash my car.and is simoniz a good auto washing soup?

My car is new and i dont really drive hard everywhere so it doesnt get much dirty. I was just wondering to maintain the car shine and my car looking nice how often should i be washing my car? also is simoniz a good car washing soap? or should i go with another brand?

Thanks in advance. Your answers will be very much appreciated.How often shuold i wash my car.and is simoniz a good auto washing soup?
How much you wash the car depends on several factors, such as is it in the garage all the time, do you live next to the water, is it exposed to lots of wind and dust, etc. As you read on, there are products in the catalogue I mentioned that serve as a minor car wash in-between full washes. But the simple answer, is that I wash my car once a week, with only cotton towels or diapers, as other fabrics, can scratch the paint.

I am very much a car buff and have detailed my cars for more than 20 years, and have found the most wonderful company, with very high quality products for every part of your car. I can't say enough good things about this company, and they ship most products to anywhere in the world.

The name of the company is Griot's Garage, car care products for the perfectionist, which is definately me!

You can check them out on the website, and then even have a car care guide that you can download, although they sell it with laminated pages so you don't ruin it when detailing your car.

Their web address is and their toll free phone number, where you can call and ask any question you want, and they take the time necessary until you get it, is 800-345-5789.

If they ask how you found out about them, just tell them customer number 623830.

To answer your first question, no, I don't like the product you mentioned.

Perfect time to ask this question as it is a new car and getting the right products on the car to protect it will make your car very happy. Hope this helps and good luck!How often shuold i wash my car.and is simoniz a good auto washing soup?
I like Meguires products. As far as consumer grade stuff goes, thier stuff is the best.

\There are some other really high end products like Klasse and Pinnacle Souvrain (ex: P21S) , but they are hard to find, and very expensive.

You can check out the site i posted below for some great info about detailing a car.

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